Our Approach
Studies prove that students with access to supplemental education & extracurricular activities (e.g. academic advisors, sports performance coaches, SAT prep courses) outperform national averages and significantly increase the probability of attending top universities.
However, many NYC high school students lack even the most basic resourcing that is routinely provided in middle and upper class school districts across the USA.
US K-12 public schools average one counselor for every 482 students, but in NY this ratio drops by 32% to 1:635 – the 7th worst in the nation
The Princeton Review Admissions Counseling Package ($2800) is 7.5% of the average household pre-tax income in the Bronx and 6% in Brooklyn, but less than half of that in Westchester (3.5%) and Fairfield Counties (3.1%)
Our Model
About U seeks to level the playing field by providing NYC students with affordable high-quality academic resources to help students create college opportunities.
By providing students & families with a structure to develop skills and knowledge to achieve a future they desire
By counseling students to “Own Their Future” and understand they have the ability to create a better life for themselves
By establishing academic goals, creating a plan, having discipline, and relentlessly competing in all aspects of life
3 key pillars to our program are directly correlated to the ultimate success of our student-athletes:
Academic Enrichment
Physical Preparation Training
Mentorship & Counseling